Tax-deductible donations given today will be doubled.
Culture OC has arrived with a roar!
Since launching our independent website less than 14 months ago, we’ve published over 300 stories about theater, music, dance, visual arts, food and community culture in Orange County. So far this year we’ve won 14 journalism prizes. And we just found out that we are finalists in six categories in the prestigious National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards. Pretty good for a rookie season!
We’re laser-focused on our role as Orange County’s most important source of news and information for arts and culture. And we intend to up our game in 2025, bringing you even more stories, deeper coverage, and a greater presence in the local community.
To do this, we need your help.
We can only achieve these goals with your support during Culture OC’s year-end fundraising campaign. Our goal: to raise $10,000 between now and December 31.
We’ve already been given a tremendous boost. Soka University and O.C. cultural leader Christopher Trela each pledged matching funds to our cause. This means your tax-deductible donation will be automatically doubled today!
This is also a good time to consider the merits of becoming a member of our Culture Club. A donation of just $10 per month or $100 per year entitles you to discount tickets and other perks such as Culture Club Presents, a special VIP experience at select concerts and other events.
Help us rebuild quality journalism in Orange County by donating to Culture OC’s year-end fundraising campaign.